Benefiting out-of-work employees at these establishment:
You can make the New Year brighter for out-of-work servers and bartenders in Downtown Stillwater
The shutdowns of bars and restaurants due to the coronavirus pandemic have dealt a heavy financial toll to so many amazing servers and bartenders in Downtown Stillwater.
With these extended shutdowns, they are experiencing yet another blow to their livelihood. They are making sacrifices to help keep the rest of us safe - please donate today to help support them financially through these difficult times.
As a thank you for your generosity, The Tilted Tiki is hosting a free live stream concert for your enjoyment on Saturday, 1/2 at 7pm! Featuring The Jorgensens!
Donate via Venmo: @TiltedTiki
(last four: 1815)
Total amount raised as of 1/2 @ 5pm:
We need you to keep it going!
Stream the concert live on The Tilted Tiki Facebook page on 1/2 at 7pm!
Thank you to our community sponsors!

Please note: While your donations to this fundraiser ARE AMAZING and will provide financial relief to out-of-work servers and bartenders in Downtown Stillwater, they are not tax-deductible.
Funds contributed during this event will be deposited with The Tilted Tiki and disbursed to participating establishments in Downtown Stillwater to give directly to their out-of-work employees.